June 2024 at The Framsden Greyhound

1. We are now officially The Framsden Greyhound. We have a logo, a website www.framsdengreyhound.co.uk and a Facebook page. Here you will be able to see pictures of all that’s been happening. We held our first pop-up pub at the D day commemorations in the village hall.

2. We’ve had two more fantastic volunteering days and the pub looks more loved.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed. Now the pub is clear and dry, the grounds are clear and ready for next steps, hanging baskets adorn the front, a blackboard tells you what’s on and the window boxes are full of pansies. UK Power Network planning team, spent a day with us on 12th June as part of their giving back to the community project. They stripped the Crittall windows, cleaned the pub and cleared and tidied the outbuildings. We were really grateful for their hard work and fascination with our project. The pub kitchen is being designed and the drying out continues.

3. Whilst clearing the garages we found eight small stools. They are all sound and in fairly good condition. 

Would you like to take a stool and repaint and upholster it for reusing in the pub? Paint it any colour and any design, your choice. Send us an email and we’ll deliver (locally). Email: info@framsdengreyhound.co.uk.

4. Looking forward: This month we will be appointing a Heritage Architect to help us with our design and renovations and co-ordination with the Heritage Team at Mid-Suffolk Council. We will be progressing window repairs and exploring options for builders and craftspeople to deal with rewiring, timber repairs and floors.

5. And Finally we are publishing our Share prospectus: unfortunately we have experienced some delays but we will now launch the prospectus on 27th June at an open meeting in the Village Hall, Starting at 7.00pm. All welcome. Come along and discuss the details of our project, see what buying shares entails and ask questions about our share offer and our plans. Hard copies of the prospectus will be available at the meeting.